Hello out there! We thought we would write a little post to show you what we got up to on our honeymoon, well mini-moon (we go on our proper one during the summer holidays. Then again I wonder if big us will take mini us with them, customs might get confused, and our mummy might get a bit upset if they broke us. It has been a while now since our wedding and in fact our mini-moon but our mummy has been a bit busy and neglected to share our fantastic little holiday with you. She tells us the previous post on her is all about her making us, we didn't want to read that because it seems a little weird, and we don't want to think about things like that!
So after our amazing wedding on the 12th April at one of the most beautiful settings, with such brilliant weather and with barely any hic-ups on the day, bar our mummy's wedding favour chocolates going walkies and kind of being ruined, she still gets grumpy about it. Two days later we set of to Bath.
This is the first picture of us, big us put us on the parcel shelf so we could look at the beautiful countryside. Its a good thing we can't get travel sick, doing backwards can make some people feel a bit sick (so we've heard....)
After a long drive, and a detour to big Paul's parents for a lovely brunch a'la Mummy B (because she stole Big Rache's makeup bag, the cheeky mare), we eventually got to where we would spend most of our mini-moon, Haptree Court........... Isn't it grand?! We didn't stay in this building, we got a tree house! And look what was waiting in our tree house! We do like our bubbly!

After the afternoon tea we went to do a bit of exploring around Oxford. We went to Balliol College, the grounds were very splendid.
Parts of it were so quite that it looks all deserted and makes us look like were in a model town :)
So after our amazing wedding on the 12th April at one of the most beautiful settings, with such brilliant weather and with barely any hic-ups on the day, bar our mummy's wedding favour chocolates going walkies and kind of being ruined, she still gets grumpy about it. Two days later we set of to Bath.
This is the first picture of us, big us put us on the parcel shelf so we could look at the beautiful countryside. Its a good thing we can't get travel sick, doing backwards can make some people feel a bit sick (so we've heard....)
After a long drive, and a detour to big Paul's parents for a lovely brunch a'la Mummy B (because she stole Big Rache's makeup bag, the cheeky mare), we eventually got to where we would spend most of our mini-moon, Haptree Court........... Isn't it grand?! We didn't stay in this building, we got a tree house! And look what was waiting in our tree house! We do like our bubbly!
The following day after enjoying our lovely treehouse (no pictures of that!) we went for another trip and went to Stonehenge! Big Rachael was naughty and nudged us past the sign which says you shouldn't go any further so she could take this picture of us. It was a beautiful place and the weather was perfect aswell. It just a shame you have to pay to see it and you can't even get close to it! But it was worth it ;)
The next day we went for a boat ride on the river Cherwell in Oxford. It was brilliant! We just got to sit back and relax while big Paul did all the hard work. We did offer to help but he wouldn't let us!
Needless to say after this boat ride we were all famished, especially big Paul who was a deft hand at punting, (see even though we were perched on the boat edge we didn't fall in once!), so we went for a spot of afternoon tea! Until we had experienced this we didn't really understand big Paul and big Rache's fascination with these scones with cream and jam. At the wedding we noticed people eating these too, it seemed all a bit odd to us, but we were intrigued! When big Paul and Rachael weren't looking we stole a taste of one of these delightful looking scones. We couldn't help it! Look how close they left us to it! We knew we couldn't ask for a bite, big Paul likes his afternoon tea far to much to ever let us share ;)
Parts of it were so quite that it looks all deserted and makes us look like were in a model town :)
We had a great time, all four of us. It was good to get away and relax and wind down after the busy run up to the wedding. If you want to have a further read about what the wedding was link there is a fantastic post in a wedding blog about it here. There's even a picture of us in it! Here's looking forward to the big honeymoon, and the rest of their married life.
wow i loved reading this such a lovely trip felt i was there too
ReplyDeleteThanks mum :) its been a long time coming!
ReplyDeleteFantastic idea, felt I was on the trip with you 2.