Monday, 25 June 2012

Yey! Final essay handed in!

My university course is coming to a close! Just handed my final essay in and now I just have to pass this final placement! So, as I now have a good month and a bit stretch till that happens I will have a good bit of spare time on my hands when I finish placement for the day. Which means I finally might get some more designing done!

Currently my designing plans are to do a matching hat and glove set for the butterfly and lemniscate socks, and to finally write up the pattern for my rose and trellis hoody which I designed about a year ago.

The hoody featured in the section of "The Knitter" magazine where knit groups sent items in which they had recently worked on, or what they were most proud of. Needless to say as this was the first item I had conjured up I sent it in. I got a lot of good feedback for it through the magazine, and from people who saw me wearing it in university and other fellow knitters.

It's something I have been meaning to do for ages, but always put it off and never fully got round to getting focused enough thinking it would be such a big job. But after helpful tips and gentle shoves from other knit wear designers I have met I think I might be able to tackle it! Here's hoping!!!

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